Marine Metre Squared is an easy way for anyone to survey the plants and animals living on their local seashore. All you need to do is mark out a 1 metre x 1 metre patch, count the animals and plants you find there, record them on a data sheet and upload the information to the Mm2 database. You will be able to compare what is on your shore with other areas, monitor how things change over time, learn lots and have fun along the way. On this website you will find everything you need to get started - instruction sheets, videos, ID guides, data sheets and much more.
Mm2 Survey Instructions and Data Collection Sheets
About Us
The Marine Metre Squared website,, is a citizen-science project and is owned and managed by the NZ Marine Studies Centre, University of Otago. Content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial–ShareAlike license, unless otherwise stated.